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Stagestop Owners Association (SOA) welcomes you as a new property owner in Stagestop.  Our website, will keep you informed of the events that happen in Stagestop.  Annual Meeting and Monthly Board Meeting minutes are posted on the website, as well as community events like our annual clean-up day, fire mitigation events, and fish stocking dates.  The website also has links to community and fishing club information.

The annual meeting of the SOA usually occurs on the 4th Saturday in June at the Jefferson Community Center.  The SOA Board usually meets the second Saturday of each month at 9:30 AM.  Locations vary thru the year but meeting hall at the smaller firehouse is common in the warmer months. These meetings are open to all Stagestop property owners.  Details for each monthly meeting are posted on the website.

Please remember that Stagestop is a Covenant Controlled Community.  If you did not receive a copy of the Covenants and Bylaws at closing, you can access them directly from the website under the left side panel, Governance, (  If you do not have access to a computer, please contact a Board member (listed below) to request a copy. 

According to the Stagestop Covenants, any construction or alterations to existing structures or property must be pre-approved by the Architectural Control Committee (ACC). The ACC members and associated forms can be found on the website under the left side panel, Architectural Control Committee (

As a property owner, you are also a member of the Tarryall Fishing Club (TFC).  TFC gives members access to private fishing in three ponds and along a stretch of nearly 17 miles of the Tarryall River.  Regulations for the TFC, including owner passes, guest passes, and river access points, are available at Login Name: “TFC Member” / Password: “bigtrout”.

  1.  We are using email and the website extensively as a communication tool.   If you do not have an account setup on, please set one up and provide an email.   Email notifications / reminders are being sent out for upcoming events to inform the Stagestop community.
  2. Stagestop Nextdoor: is a FREE private online network called Nextdoor Stagestop. On our Nextdoor site, neighbors share community events, recommendations, items for sale, crime reports, ideas about how to improve our neighborhood and more. Notifications can also be sent to Indian Mountain residents also.  To join:  This is located on the left side panel at under Stagestop Nextdoor.

Please feel free to call any of the SOA Board members with any questions you may have.

Stagestop Owners Association Board Members:

Architectural Control Committee (ACC) members:




Lynda Clay / (720) 432- 0253


Jess Staten

(303) 241-2215

Vice President

Dan Kummet

Member At Large

Larry Thomas

(303) 472-7447


Craig Cass

Member At Large

Daniel Bernier


Rachel Lee




Member At Large

Jess staten





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Password must meet the following criteria:

  • Minimum 8 characters
  • At least 1 letter
  • At least 1 number
  • At least 1 special character
  • Is different from your username
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Address in this Neighborhood
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